Friday, October 30, 2009

Exhibit Interlude

When it rains it pours! After receiving the publication contract for Footlights in the Foothills, along comes another exciting opportunity--writing in a new genre.

I spent most of the past few months curating an exhibit at the City of Las Vegas [New Mexico] Museum. First thing I had to do was look up the word curate. I am so grateful to the muses for this chance to stretch my writing muscles, but at first it was scary. Select items from the Museum collection; seek additional items as appropriate; research the history (1915-1967); then write the exhibit story, encompassing the events, people, artifacts, photos, and documents in under 300 words.

The research led to more and more story, so the hardest thing was to cut, cut, cut. This process really challenged me and made me a better writer. It is quite a thrill to see my words in large print on a beautifully designed panel and to watch people read them.

Bottom Line: Try different genres.

Check out updates on this exhibit at or and . . . "Git Fer Vegas, Cowboy!"

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